The Super New Moon in Libra offers an opportunity for restoring peace, harmony, and balance in our lives and our relationships.
At this New Moon, the moon meets with the Sun as it transits through the house of Libra. Libra is the house of justice and cooperation. She expresses herself through creativity and being gentle as she enjoys communicating with grace and fair-mindedness. It marks a time for restoring peace and harmony. Alas, the aspects with other planets are providing a lot of provocation at this time. We can certainly see this in our outer world and it’s happening within us all on a personal level as well. But, this is the most powerful SU
PER MOON all year, and it's further conjunct by one of the most benevolent fixed stars, Spica!
During this Libran New Moon, we can restore harmony by meditating upon what is beautiful and of value to us. The discord we might be experiencing this month can provide the energy, determination, and information for initiating something new. For many of us, our foundations are shifting dramatically along with new truths that may surprise us that come forth from the depths of our subconscious at this time. However, it is at times of struggle that we are most creative in reinviting our lives.
Our practice this month will focus on meditations for peace and harmony and for tapping into our creative selves. Our intention setting meditation, is a glorious practice, very introspective, for setting deeply personal intentions that not only serve us moving forward positively and enthusiastically, but that will garner support as it benefits humanity and our planet too.
Our practice will begin with a mindful movement sequence preparing us for our meditations. Our first is a gentle breath meditation that will slow our swinging pendulums, bringing us back to center, back to our hearts. And then we will take a deep dive in for our intention-setting meditation. We will complete our practice, integrating it all with a relaxing gong bath.
If you can, take a little time to prepare a cozy practice space with pillows, blankets. You might like to add something symbolic that reflects peace and harmony for you, flowers, incense, or a lighted candle for example. If you like working with crystals, select one to receive your intentions as crystals are amplifiers. By keeping that crystal close during the new lunar cycle, it will support your progress, radiating the frequencies you generate during this meditation practice.
This is a highly charged month, confrontational with the relationship we have with ourselves and our relationships in general. So be kind to yourself, tender with others, and let’s support each other by meditating together.
To register for this event, please visit Eventbrite.
Also, please visit for class and meditation offerings.
Much love, Jacinta aka Kalyan Darshan