The Full Moon in Leo is shining bright on Feb 5/6, illuminating your heart's pure desires!
This is the Full Moon to Awaken Your Heart, generate an abundance of love and joy, and unlock your passion for life. Do you sense you have built walls around your heart, protecting you from being wounded again, or perhaps granting you permission to play small?
Full Moons are for releasing and letting go, so breathe deeply, and set your intentions to clear the fears and judgements that are:
blocking the flow of love and creativity,
diminishing your connection with your heart's intuition
generating psychological obstacles to love
Full Moons are also for launching projects, being the highest energy during the Lunar Cycle.
This is a great time to present your creations to the world!
LEO is ruled by the SUN, and thus offering the ultimate in life-giving energy for growth, high vibrations of pure love, generosity, and vitality.
Let it refuel you with courage, passion, and confidence. The Leo Full Moon is for exploring your purpose, your sovereignty, and your personal power as it regenerates, heals and activates specifically your heart, and solar plexus.
Leo's energy is joyful, playful, and creative. It seeks to find the child that lives within you, and her or his pure unadulterated spontaneous excitement that flows fearlessly.
Do you remember that feeling as a child? Were you blessed with a nurturing environment to experience it? Either way, during a Leo Full Moon, you can awaken that joyful innocence that lives inside you, and allow it to inspire and excite you.
Let the Leo full moonbeams uplift you, and remind you of what you are really passionate about. It is a time to embrace your inner child, to have a dialog with her or him in order to understand a fundamental great source of power and self-expression within you.
Leo the Lion is King of the Jungle, and you are Queen of your Queendom, or King of your Kingdom.
Take charge of your personal domain, and discover and release what is getting in your way of being your inspired, creative self. Rekindle your enthusiasm, and reignite your heart's sovereign light!
Meditate in the light of Leo's Full Moon for feeling your own brilliant life-force, and expand your unique love frequency, and then radiate it brightly into the world!
If you are reading this, you are alive today, and therefore a pioneer for the New Age of Aquarius! What does your heart desire to gift to the world as we enter this new age together?
Dare to be fearless, embody unconditional love & courageous passion by opening your heart during this Leo Full Moon Online Meditation!
This online meditation will take place on Zoom,
February 5, 2023, at 7:00pm Central Time // February 6, 2023, at 11am AEST