Kalyan Darshan

Nov 24, 20206 min

Gemini Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Meditation and Practice in the Park

During the Gemini eclipse, we release outdated patterns from our mental realms. The twins reveal two paths. Let's navigate to the high road!

Yet another awesome lunation providing energetic waves for self-exploration and for propelling us forward in our awakening.


When the Moon is full in Gemini, it shines a light on our conscious mind. It shows us where our thoughts are polarized or in conflict ... illustrated by the Gemini Twins! And that light shines forth from the Sun in Sagittarius, the house that governs our highest truths and beliefs.

This is a time to examine what we think, what is important to us, and what we communicate with ourselves and others. Often times, our thoughts and communications are driven by our fears. Whilst Mercury and Venus make their way through Scorpio, they are helping us recognize the icky patterns that lurk deep in our subconscious that arise into our conscious minds as fear. The feelings that hold us back.

This eclipse will assist us in liberating our minds from these icky patterns and as these unconscious fears are released, our mental boundaries are expanded making space for the awakening of our Higher Mind and imaginations.

As we expand the limits of our conscious mind at this time, we can feel great and positive one minute and overwhelmed in the next, but this uncomfortable cleansing is necessary for our Highest good to emerge within us. And so much what will be birthed in us, we can’t even imagine yet. Hang in there because much will be revealed to us during this eclipse season. Yes! The best is yet to come!!!

We can assist the process by consciously adjusting our conscious thoughts and in doing so, we edit our story! And Gemini is a mutable sign, helping us to make these adjustments.

The mind is everything. What you think you become. Buddha


~Mindful Movement~

In preparation, we will release stress and tension from our bodies and circulate life force energy with gentle mindful movement coordinated with our breath.


In light of the polarizing nature of Gemini, we will calm our minds with Alternate Nostril breathing with a difference. This particular breath timed with a rhythm will support Mercury in Scorpio to release old karmic patterns held in our subconscious.

~Guided Meditation~

We shall work with the eclipse energies and tend to the garden of our mind, decluttering and weeding out the old thought patterns that serve us no more. As we explore the different aspects of our thinking mind, we will apply a cleansing Mantra.

~Gong Bath~

Relax and integrate our practice and receive the healing vibrations of the gong.

~Full Moon Prosperity Mantra Meditation~

The Antar Naad is such a beautiful mantra meditation that we practice every full moon. It cleanses our chakras as we bathe them with cosmic love energy, replenishing our life force and bringing us into the frequency of abundance.

~ Final blessing~

We end our practice by joining our hearts, blessing each other and all sentient beings

with peace & love.

I look forward to sharing this meditation with you because together, we empower each other's practice.

All Welcome!




In light of the polarizing nature of Gemini, we will calm our minds with Alternate Nostril breathing with a difference. This particular breath timed with a rhythm will support Mercury in Scorpio to release old karmic patterns held in our subconscious.

~ Release and Let Go Yoga Set ~

Our yoga sequence will clear and cleanse our bodies and minds. This mindful practice will guide our thoughts, considering what is important to us moving forward. With this in mind, we will refocus our aim, practicing Archer Pose together, aiming for the Highest Brightest Shiniest Stars that we are.

~Sound Bath~

And then, relax in Savasana and integrate whilst being bathed in sounds from crystal singing bowls. I'm bringing 6 bowls this time!!!

~Mantra Meditation~

The sound current we will embody this month is clearing our communication. To the beat of the sacred drum, we will align our thoughts and words with our Highest Selves.

~What to bring~

Pack your yoga mat, pillows, and I really encourage you to bring a blanket or two so you’re totally comfortable practicing on the earth and for staying warm during our deep relaxation sound bath. Bring water and pack your mask too!

Numbers are limited to ensure social distancing. Of course, family groups can sit together.

I look forward to seeing you at Memorial Park and sharing a fun and empowering practice together.

A few more words about our the metaphysics of our minds!

When we decide to observe our thoughts and communications, we notice all those little (or big) chronic thoughts and statements we think and say that don’t support us. Even negative things we say or think about ourselves in jest are harmful and restrict us from moving forward and expanding inward and outward because, whatever frequency we vibrate, we create.

How can this be? Well, we are all energy and energy vibrates the information contained in it. Our thoughts and our words generate the vibratory information that recreates us in every moment and thus directly impacts our life experience.

So in taking advantage of this time to upgrade our inner and outer dialog, we take another powerful step forward in awakening to our true divine nature, joy, fulfillment, prosperity, and abundance.

This is a time to change the story we have been telling ourselves and others!

And the cosmic currents are empowering us as we do so. Read more about the cosmic currents below.

When you become the master of your mind, you are master of everything.

Swami Satchidananda

If you enjoy astrology, read on :) ...

~The Cosmic Currents~

When the Moon 🌝 is full in Gemini, it shines a light on the dual nature of our conscious mind, … and our inner conflicts.

The light reflecting off the Gemini full moon originates from the Sun 🌞 in Sagittarius, ... the house that governs our highest truths and beliefs.

Mercury rules Gemini, and Jupiter rules Sagittarius! ... and these two planets will be in a harmonious sextile at the Full Moon.

This generates an energy that supports us as we adjust how we consciously think, bringing our everyday thoughts into alignment with our higher truths and beliefs.

Furthermore, Jupiter, the bringer of divine wisdom, will be in the house of driven and persistent Capricorn, whose interest is in the long-term. Mercury will be in the deep passionate waters of emotive, transformational Scorpio where it has spent most of the past two months investigating our underlying intense emotional state. Jupiter reveals new ideas and strategies for positive growth while Mercury releases attitudes and fears that have been diminishing our personal power!

Thus in their full moon sextile aspect, we can adjust our trajectory in life by adjusting how we think and communicate. We can realign our thoughts and beliefs to support our desired divine destiny at this time.

As the Sagittarius Archer stretches his bow, consider what is important in your life. What do you want to accomplish?

The eclipse energy will flush out the old stagnant thoughts and beliefs that not only steal from us a positive mindset but keep us bound to patterns and behavior we wish to shift.

Further supporting us at this time is Neptune, really powerful as it’s stationing direct right before the full moon. It thins the veil for us to more easily connect with higher states of consciousness, allowing us to more easily receive the wisdom that desires to come through for us at this time.

Mars, our spiritual warrior, now striding forward in Aries, makes a beautiful trine with the Sun, so we are gifted with physical and motivational energy to step into our power and positive mindset. And Saturn also makes a sextile with Mercury, so expect to receive ideas that offer a practical approach in moving forward.
By the time of this full moon, all planets are moving direct except for Uranus which indicates great forward movement!

I also want to share with you that on the Solstice, Dec 21, Jupiter and Saturn will come together in a perfect conjunction at 0 deg Aquarius!!! A super new age beginning and powerful aspect. At the same time, Mars will make its final perfect square to Pluto, further releasing old stuck energies that have impeded our way forward. Exciting times ahead!!!!
